Monday, March 23, 2009

Mothering Sunday

Mothers day was put on hold due to wind and sun. Mike, Tim, Tim, James, Rikki and I were all out Sunday, practising our marginal stuff. No water in the harbour forces you to short tack up the channels, excellent practise, if exhausting. Mike and Boona have the edge upwind in the marginal stuff, although everyone’s tacks were looking shed loads better by the end of the session – most people are getting round on the foils then only briefly dropping off on the new tack. Rikki is rocket ship downwind – I most definitely am not. Need to hot up more and work the apparent for starters. And stop oversheeting.

An excellent session in marginal technique, and our informal windward leeward up and down the channel kept the action exciting, and the boats close. Gusty and shifty keeps you on your toes and reminds you of that normal sailboat racing stuff matters – head out of the boat and the ability to change gears quickly is fast.

I’ve still a lot to do, but sessions like that are the way to get there.

Kit wise we had:
Prowler Zero/MSL13

Not that it made a nats gwatch of difference. It was the sailors making all the gains in that sort of breeze.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....