I'm back!! First sail of the year last saturday has reignighted the passion for Mothing. It was only short, but I remembered everything I can't do. In the interests of open source mothing heres my notes from the sail:
7-3-08, HISC. Wind SW – 12 to 18, gusts up to 22. Very gusty, average strength +3-5knts. Cold water (6.7 degC).
REMEMBER twist grip - Clockwise for bow down
2 degrees more on the rudder – felt very fast, but ventilates a LOT. Have to work the twist grip a lot more from leg to leg with this set up; can’t be lazy.
Now there is more lift on the rudder, I see a need for a paddle on the wand – started seeing a ‘pogoing’ effect at high speed as the wand was overpowered. Also boat flying low in the water on fast reaches – maybe not a bad thing!
I can’t reach the control lines – potentially due to fear? Thinking about routing them over the outside of the wings rather than through the holes
Used a lot of Cunningham – bladerider mast bends a lot = very flat sail, less loads, felt fast. Obvious maybe, but worth remembering how important this control is – and just how hard you should pull it!
Flicking the main is important when gybing in more breeze; you can be lazy in the moderate stuff, but this was killing me when the breeze got up.
Work the apparent wind more – don’t just sail low and slow.
I find marginal foiling very hard – why? Partly sail trim, and partly attitude – I’m setting the boat up for breeze and speed on the foils and approaching it with that attitude – be more flexible about changing gears.
Hike harder rather than trim for balance.
In other news Paranoid Anderoid has gone to a new home in the Netherlands, with Chris Jeeves. Potentially now to be known as Chyrsalis, pending news. Looking forward to seeing how Chris gets on with her! She's been replaced by Andrew Browns old bladerider, 3230.
It's the Parkstone Open this weekend, very excited to see how we get on..
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