Had a fantastic sail on Saturday with James in his prowler. Despite initially hiding from the howling 35 knot breeze, we got bored enough to launch as the wind dropped off later in the day. It was a really interesting sail, managed to do a (few) good tuning runs - there doesn't seem to be much between the Axiom/Prowler - I maybe had a touch more height, but I have a bad habit of sailing high and slow so that could be part of it. James was all over the corners though, whereas me, not so much...
Also finally hit a recorded 20.9, which possibly makes me the slowest person ever to enter the 20kt club.
It was pretty choppy and messed up in Southampton water, the Axiom coped fantastically- I only really had one avoidable pop out, which to be fair I saw coming a way off. I did have my biggest ever crash when the kicker came uncleated whilst blasting off wind as hard as possible - the result was the tiller ripped from my hand with amazing force, me thrown one way and the boat sailing the other. It must have been impressive as both the rescue rib and James came over to check I was fine!
I don't have any good pictures, so you can have these boring ones instead..

Good on ya... About time! Now, about those corners....
Good work mate. Surprised you went out on Sat it was pretty blowy!!
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